9941 Youth
9941 Youth
What is 9941 Youth?
9941 Youth is an initiative focused on mentoring challenging youth while also providing support and guidance to their parents. The program is designed to foster stronger relationships, equip both youth and parents with vital skills, and provide resources for a brighter future.
To create a generation of resilient, purpose-driven youth who are empowered to make positive choices and impact their communities while strengthening family dynamics to foster long-term success.
Our mission is to mentor youth who face various challenges and provide their parents with the tools and support needed to navigate parenting in today’s world. We aim to restore and transform parent-child relationships through mentorship, life coaching, counseling, and practical guidance.
Mentoring Youth: We provide personalized mentorship to help youth navigate their challenges, instill positive values, and give them a clear sense of purpose.
Supporting Parents: We equip parents with essential skills tailored for this generation, offering them a safe space to vent, share concerns, and learn strategies that improve communication and relationships with their children.
Life Coaches & Counselors: Every family will have access to life coaches, counselors, or mentors who are assigned to guide them through difficult situations, offering practical advice and emotional support.
Off-Site School for Suspended Children: We will establish an off-site location where children who have been suspended from school can continue their education in a structured and supportive environment, preventing setbacks in their learning.
Workshops and Skill Development Programs: We offer life skills workshops that cover topics like financial literacy, time management, and career planning. Additionally, job readiness programs, including resume writing, mock interviews, and job shadowing opportunities, help youth prepare for the workforce and provide real-world experience.
Juvenile Tours & Resources: We offer triennial juvenile tours packed with information aimed at giving youth a brighter outlook. The program provides a “Starting Today” packet, which includes:
Access to mentors for ongoing support in troubled situations.
Resources to help youth stay on the right track, including information on future employment opportunities with companies committed to helping them succeed.
Life skills and career exploration resources to motivate youth to strive for excellence.
Community Engagement: Through volunteer opportunities and community service, youth develop a sense of purpose and belonging, contributing positively to their surroundings.
Tracking and Success Metrics: We use progress monitoring tools to track the development of each youth and family in the program. By celebrating milestones and personal achievements, we motivate participants and provide positive reinforcement.
Mental Health Support: We offer access to mental health professionals to address emotional challenges and provide therapy sessions, as well as mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques for both youth and parents.
Youth Leadership Opportunities: We encourage youth to participate in leadership roles within the program, providing opportunities for them to mentor others, organize events, and build valuable leadership skills.
Community and Corporate Partnerships: We collaborate with local schools, businesses, and community organizations to expand our reach, provide resources, and create opportunities for internships or job training.